ELO Forum Winnipeg World-Class Speakers’ Roster Announced!

The ELO Forum Winnipeg Online to be held on Nov 9th features a world-class roster of session presenters from Canada, the US and Singapore. The Forum theme is “rethink.” This approach is very pertinent in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. How do Christian marketplace and entrepreneurial leaders “rethink” the present situation from various dimensions: faith & meaning; economics; diversity; relationships; innovation; and leading.

Scott Rae, Dean, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, CA, USA, will address “Rethink: Meaning & Faith.” The COIVD-19 pandemic has spiritual implications and not just an economic impact.  The pillars of people’s lives have been shaken.  Health and economic concerns abound.  Will I get sick? Will I lose my job or, worse yet, my career?  People’s faith is impacted. Where is God in the midst of suffering in a pandemic? Should we be waiting to return to normal? Or, instead, should we be focused on living through the present circumstances as well as possible. Scott will share some thoughts on rethinking how Christian leaders can effectively impact the marketplace in the present circumstances. 

Jerry Bowyer is an American economist, lay minister and media personality. His most recent book is The Maker Versus The Takers which focuses on Jesus and economics. Jerry will speak on “Rethink:  Economics.” Jerry will help us make sense of the markets. He will analyze the economic dynamics of the COVID-19 situation, which will provide a great platform for business leaders planning their next moves. The US election will have occurred (though possibly not fully resolved with respect to ballot counting) and Jerry will provide his keen insights on how the political situation impacts the economy.

Ron Haik, Senior Financial Advisor, Nicola Wealth, Toronto will focus on “Rethink: Economics.” The subtitle of Ron’s session is “Politics, Pandemics, and Investments.” Ron will discuss the big picture and how it impacts Canadians individually:  politics, pandemics and investments. Where to now? What are the economic factors that will impact the next 12 months? There is no question that 2020 marks a turning point in many regards; economically, politically and socially.

Brian Grim, Founder and Director, Religious Freedom and Business Foundation, Annapolis, MD, USA will focus on “Rethink: Diversity.” Brian will talk about the importance of diversity in the workplace.  He will provide context for the overall trends of diversity, why it is important, and the advantages it provides to companies. Further, he will then talk about how faith-friendly workplaces are an important part of diversity. He will provide some suggestions as to how Christian leaders can navigate creating an inclusive work environment.

Bill Foo, Chairman, Tung Lok Group of Companies, Singapore, will focus on “Rethink: Relationships.” Connecting with and learning from others is part of the faith and entrepreneurial journey. Everyone has benefitted from great relationships or perhaps underperformed without them. Wise input is highly valued. Bill will talk about the benefits of great peer interaction. In light of our present situation, he will focus on two key points: (1) the importance of in-person interaction/blessing to combat spiritual lethargy; and (2) dealing with the economic storm/disruption and the need for connecting. This is not the time to be isolated.

Rob Wildeboer, Executive Chairman, Martinrea Inc., Vaughan, ON, will focus on “Rethink: Innovation.” Rob believes that challenges bring opportunities and this is one of them. Shortly after the pandemic began, he laid off 13,000 of 17,000 employees. He has navigated the challenges and is now back at close to full capacity. This situation has shown a lot of people that they are not in control of what they think they are. This has been a real game-changer at least in that thinking. Rob ill discuss his lessons on how to innovate in challenging times and seize the opportunity.

Barry Rempel, President & CEO, Winnipeg Airports Authority, will address “Rethink: Leadership.”  The travel industry has been thrown into turmoil as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Winnipeg’s airport, a well-run and innovative organization, has been severely disrupted. How to lead in unique and challenging times? A big challenge for leaders is how to make economic adjustments, pivot, and to rethink existing practices. Is there a “new normal” or is it a matter of starting over again? Barry Rempel will discuss his faith and entrepreneurial journey and offer insights on rethinking leadership in the midst of an ongoing COVID-9 pandemic.

As a reminder, all sessions are focused on engaging our online audience. The sessions are generally 30 minutes long and in a Q&A format. Session presenters will be interviewed by Dr. Richard J. Goossen, Chairman, ELO Group who will pose a set of pre-planned questions and incorporate those from our live global audience.  Each session will provide clear takeaways.