Kim Tan
Dr. Kim Tan
Chairman, SpringHill Management
London, UK
About the Presenter
Dr. Kim Tan is Chairman of SpringHill Management, a private fund management company specializing in biotech and social venture capital investments. He has been a pioneer of social impact investing for over 20 years and is a partner of several social impact funds including Inqo Investments (South Africa), Novastar Ventures (Kenya) and Garden Impact Investment (Singapore). He is an advisor to Johnson & Johnson Impact Ventures. He is the co-founder of the Transformational Business Network and a trustee of the John Templeton Foundation, Templeton Religion Trust, and the Centre for Enterprise, Markets & Ethics (CEME) (Oxford). The Director of the CEME is Revd Dr. Richard Turnbull, who has previously spoken at the ELO Forum in Vancouver and was also one of the presenters in the most recent ELO Oxford Leadership Program.
Dr. Tan was the chairman and founder of NCI Cancer Hospital (Malaysia) and the inventor of the sheep monoclonal antibodies. He developed the first rapid tests for Salmonella in chickens and for atrazine pesticide in drinking water. He is a Pro-Chancellor of Surrey University (UK) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (UK). He was the former Chairman of the Surrey & Hants Innovation Growth Team, former board member of the APEC Life Science Innovation Forum and the Saracens Rugby Club. He has a PhD in Biochemistry and 3 post-doctoral fellowships from the Medical Research Council (UK). He was the recipient of the Guildford Roll of Honour (2014) and the UK Beacon Award for Impact Investment (2017).
About the Presentation
Topic: "Leveraging Social Impact Investing for Sustainable Development"