Afternoon Speaker: Esther De Wolde - "A Faith & Entrepreneurial Journey"Register Now

Co-Founder & CEO, Phantom Screens, Abbotsford, BC

TOPIC:  “A Faith & Entrepreneurial Journey:  What I have Learned Through the Ups & Downs Along The Way” 

BIO:  As CEO and one of the founders of Phantom Screens (, Esther De Wolde has nurtured and grown the corporation to become the leading brand in the retractable screen industry.  It all began with a dream as she started working out of a garage—and the business grew one screen at a time. Her passion for business is matched by her care for people – believing that Phantom Screens can only be truly successful if it has served its people, its customers and its business partners with respect and with integrity. Esther’s success is complemented by her belief in values-based leadership and having a solid foundation based on her faith in God. “Without values, there is no secure future for a company or individual. My value system is based upon the fact that I have a higher accountability than to a board of directors!”  Outside of her role as Chief Executive, Esther is a Certified General Accountant, a member of the Corporation Board of Directors of World Vision Canada.  Being a country farm girl at heart, she loves nothing more than spending time working in her English garden. And when the gardening season winds down, she loves filling her time antiquing.  An interview on her faith and entrepreneurial journey is included in Goossen, Richard J., Ed., Entrepreneurial Leaders:  Reflections on Faith at Work (Vol IV) (2008).