Forum Theme: "Christians @ Work"Register Now

Christian marketplace and entrepreneurial leaders have the potential to positively impact businesses, churches and communities.  They realize that business is a vital part of their calling and that they have the capacity for a great amount of positive impact among the people they meet.  They want their faith to be expressed in all their activities, including their work.  Marketplace and entrepreneurial leaders are people of influence.  They can influence all they touch, in all dimensions of life.  This “Forum” is an opportunity to learn from marketplace leaders about living your faith at work and discovering practical ways to make a difference. 

 We have a distinguished panel of entrepreneurial leaders.  Here are some of the questions they will be addressing:

  1. What is your calling and how does your business fit into that?
  2. How does your way of doing business reflect your Christian faith?
  3. What have been your biggest challenges at work and how have you dealt with them?
  4. What are appropriate means to share your faith at work?
  5. What are the most important lessons you have learned in terms of living your calling in life and at work?